
How To Increase Magicka Skyrim Console Command

In this post, you lot volition observe a listing of some of the most pop Skyrim panel commands. Skyrim console commands are an essential tool that players employ to enter cheats into the game. Skyrim console commands are not instance-sensitive, only you will accept to be careful with some of them as they might interruption specific quests, or cause temporary glitches.

  • Check more game cheats!

How to Employ the Skyrim Developer Console

To bring upwards the developer console and enter Skyrim cheats, you will accept to press the tilde (~) key.

Toggle Panel Commands List

The commands in this listing turn various game features on and off.

Control Effect
tgm Toggle God Style
Grants infinite health, Magicka, and stamina.
Carry weight will never affect movement or fast travel.
tim Toggle Immortal Style.
The player'south graphic symbol volition still have damage, only their health will never accomplish zero.
rm Toggle Run Mode on/off, but like CAPS LOCK does.
tcai Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence.
Characters may plough hostile, but volition not assail the Dragonborn.
tai Toggle Artificial Intelligence.
NPCs volition finish interacting with you.
tc Toggle player Control of target entity.
When used on an NPC, information technology will transfer control to said NPC,
i.due east., any command inputs volition be applied to both characters.
To disable, use tc once more, on the Dragonborn.
tcl Toggle Collision.
tdetect Toggle AI Detection.
Does non work with Pickpocket detection.
teofis Toggle relatively taxing image settings such every bit blur.
May result in an increase in frames per second.
tfc Toggle free-wing camera. Add together <i> to pause.
tfow Toggles regions on the local map.
This allows you to load all unexplored regions on the local map.
tg Toggles grass
tll Toggles LOD
tm Toggle Carte and GUI elements on/off.
tmm <#> Toggle Map Markers:
<0> Disable all.
<one> Enable all.
<i,0,i> Show all except for fast travel markers.
ts Toggles display of skybox and fog.
tscr Toggles script processing
tt Toggles copse
tws Toggle h2o brandish when not underwater
twf Toggles framework border
Toggle commands list
Skyrim Console Commands and Cheat codes listnbsp SkyrimConsoleCommandsandCheatcodeslist Our list of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim console commands cheats item codes and spell or shout codes will help you do almost anything

Quest commands

Command Effect
caqs Consummate all Stages ofevery quest.
Buggy, may not be stable.NOT recommended.
completequest <QuestID> Consummate a quest. May cause buggy beliefs,SetStage is generally cleaner.
getstage <QuestID> Used to become the current quest stage for the quest (utilizeShowQuestTargets for IDs).
movetoqt <QuestID> Motion to quest target.
resetquest <QuestID> Completely resets the given quest.
saq Starts every quest (may cause a crash).
SetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <stage> <one/0> Used to set the quest stage as beingness completed (1) or uncompleted (0).
setstage <quest id> <stage value> Used to set the quest phase.
Useful for bewitched quests.
showquesttargets Shows all electric current quest IDs.
setpqv <quest form ID> <quest variable ID> <desired variable> Attempts to change a quest variable to the desired value.
sqv <quest id> Displays a list of all variables used by <quest id>.
histrion.sqs <quest id> Used to display all the stages of a quest.
Quest commands list

Player Console Commands List

Y'all tin use the commands beneath to alter the actor's inventory, perks, spells, shouts, and more:

Command Effect
player.additem <ItemID> <#> Add the specified quantity of the specified item to the inventory.
player.addperk <PerkID> Adds the specified perk to your character.
player.unlockword <ShoutID> Unlocks a Dragon Shout, making it useable by the thespian.
Addshout <ShoutID> Adds a Dragon Shout to the player's skill list. You must unlock the shout first.
player.addspell <SpellID> Adds a spell, disease, or power.
player.advlevel Advance 1 level without gaining a perk.
AdvSkill <AV> <#> Gives the specified amount of skill usage points.
animcam Allows for the camera to view the Dragonborn from any direction without changing which mode they are facing.
thespian.drop <ItemID> <#> Drops the specified quantity of the specified detail.
enableplayercontrols Enables player control during cinematic cutscenes.
role player.forceav <AV> <#> Should be avoided for use, every bit it overrides the game'due south automatic calculations such as item bonuses, spell bonuses, etc.
player.forceav dragonsouls # Gives the histrion the specified amount of Dragon Souls to use.
fov <#> Adjusts the field of view between lx-160. Default: 75
IncPCS <AVskill> Increment the Dragonborn's skill points by one point.
player.modav <AV> <+/-#> Modifies the Actor Value by <#>.
thespian.paycrimegold <X> <Y> <FactionID> On occasion, this may not pay off the unabridged bounty
X = 1 Remove stolen items. 0 Exercise not remove stolen items.
Y = 1 Go to jail. 0 Do not go to jail.
player.placeatme <Particular/NPCID> <#> Places an detail or thespian next to the Dragonborn.
playerEnchantObject <ItemID> <mgef> <mgef> Adds an object to inventory with any two magic furnishings (not limited to enchants).
psb Player Spell Book. Unlocks all spells and Dragon Shouts.
player.removeitem <ItemID> <#> Remove an item from the inventory.
player.removeperk <PerkID> Removes a perk.; does not render the point used to gain the perk.
histrion.removespell <variable> Removes a spell, disease, or power.
player.resethealth Refills the Dragonborn's health instantly.
s1st While in the tertiary person, the Dragonborn'due south artillery—which would commonly but appear in first person—appear behind them, assuasive for the Dragonborn to experience showtime person and third person simultaneously.
player.setav <AV> <#> Sets the Player Value to <#>.
player.setcrimegold <#> <FactionID> Adds <#> to i's current bounty with <FactionID>
player.setlevel <#> Sets current level to <#>.
SetPlayerRace <Raceid> Doing this will permit the Dragonborn'south race to exist changed without usingshowracemenu.
Histrion.SetRace <RaceID> Similar toSetPlayerRace <Raceid>, but it tin change the player'southward race to a non-humanoid i.
role player.setscale # Sets the Dragonborn'southward scale, altering the histrion's height
showracemenu Bring up character customization carte du jour. Magicka, Stamina, and Health will be spread evenly on using this depending on ane'southward graphic symbol's level. It will remove whatsoever custom point distributions.
player.showinventory Lists all items in the Dragonborn'south inventory and their codes.
PgUp and PgDown to scroll through.
spf <name> Save Player Face. This saves the Dragonborn's current facial settings in the game files.
sucsm <#> Set the speed of the free-flying photographic camera (tfc).
The default is 1.
Setting information technology to 2, for case, would double the speed, and to 0.v would one-half the speed.
player.teachword <WOOP> Teaches a word of power, words tin can be constitute with the "help <word> four" control and are recognizable by the WOOP tag.
actor.unlockword <shoutID> Unlocks a discussion of power.

Actor Values List

The post-obit is a listing ofActor Values. To change the value y'all want, type the following in the console:

  • <Player/RefID>.<AVC> <AV> <value>
  • <AVC> is the ActorValueCode,
  • <AV> is the ActorValue you wish to change and
  • <value> refers to the change you want, either positive or negative.

Actor Value Codes

Histrion Value Code Effect
Get AV information. Does not accept a <value> statement.
ForceAV Force the AV value modification to get permanent.
ModAV Permanently alter the AV's value.
SetAV Fix the base value. Some values reset after ending the game.
Actor Value Codes Listing

The Role player Values can exist AI elements, skills, stats, character attributes, and more.

Actor Value Description
Assailment NPC Assailment.
Confidence Sets the gamble that an NPC will abscond from combat. Settings go from 0 upward to 4 (iv makes them foolhardy and 0 makes them ever flee, 1 will make them probable to abscond when they are hurt or their allies dice). Only takes effect after an NPC has the "resetai" command used on it.
Morality Sets whether the NPC will report crimes; for followers, besides whether they will commit ane if you enquire them to. Values: 0 = all crimes permitted; 1 = violent crimes confronting non-allies permitted; 2 = only property crimes permitted; 3 = no crimes permitted. In the unpatched game, some animals are mistakenly set with a non-null value, causing them to "magically" written report crimes.
Health Self-explanatory.
Healrate Rate of health recovery out of combat = HealRate % per second (Default = 0.7)
CombatHealthRegenMult In combat heal rate = (HealRate x CombatHealthRegenMult)% per second (0.vii x 0.7) = 0.49 default
HealRateMult Heal Rate Multiplier.
Magicka Current Magicka (If greater than max Magicka, max is increased also).
Magickarate Rate of Magicka recovery (default = 3.00).
MagickaRateMult Magicka Charge per unit Multiplier (default = 100.00).
Stamina Self-explanatory.
Staminarate Charge per unit of Stamina recovery (default = five.00).
StaminaRateMult Stamina Charge per unit Multiplier (default = 100.00).
Carryweight Self-explanatory (employ forceav to accept it stick through saves).
InventoryWeight Current total inventory detail weight.
DamageResist Armor Rating.
Diseaseresist Resistance to Disease.
Magicresist Resistance to Magic.
Poisonresist Resistance to Poison.
Fireresist Resistance to Fire.
Frostresist Resistance to Ice.
Electricresist Resistance to Shock.
Dragonsouls Use forceav to make it stick betwixt saves, sets the available number of dragon souls.
speedmult Modifies character speed (default 100).
shoutrecoverymult Default is ane, setting to 0 removes cooldown for shouts.
Unarmeddamage Damage dealt past unarmed attacks.
reflectdamage Chance to reflect impairment (in %).
leftweaponspeedmult Sets the multiplier for left weapon speed. A value of 2 makes weapons twice every bit fast, a value of three makes it three times as fast, and so on.
movementnoisemult Increases or decreases move noise.
weaponspeedmult Right and ii-handed weapon speed multiplier i.e. 2 is twice as fast and 3 is three times as fast
Absorbchance Pct hazard to absorb a spell.
Favorpointsbonus Not used.
Bowspeedbonus Default is 1, alter the fourth dimension scaling during zoom. 0.5 slower zoom, ii about as normal view speed (Don't bring the value whatsoever lower than 0.08 or else the arrow won't fly far.)
Bowstaggerbonus Sets the gamble that a shot with a bow will stagger a target if striking. Default is 0, can exist set between 0 and i (a decimal value is a percentage, east.x. .10 = 10%).
jumpingbonus Currently unknown.
critchance Chance of getting a disquisitional hit. Allowed values are 1–100.
<Skill> Sets or modifies skill to the specified value, values higher than 100 are allowed.
<WOOP> Teaches a word of power to a shout, words tin can exist constitute with the "help <word> 4" command and are recognizable by the WOOP tag.
leftitemcharge # Sets the charge for any enchanted item in your left hand.
rightitemcharge # Sets the charge for whatsoever enchanted item in your correct paw.
destructionpowermod Modifies damage done by destruction spells. The base is 0, 100 doubles spell damage (if applicative), etc.
conjurationpowermod Modifies the length of time revived NPCs or summons remain before being dispelled automatically. The base of operations is 0, 100 doubles duration, etc.
illusionpowermod Modifies the level ranges affected by illusion spells. The base is 0, 100 doubles the maximum level of NPCs affected, etc.
alterationpowermod Modifies alteration spell duration. The base of operations is 0, 100 doubles elapsing, etc.
restorationpowermod Modifies restoration spell heal forcefulness, ward force, and level range. Be advised that in that location is currently a bug that likewise dramatically increases Enchantment strength equally well (Except for items with the fortify conjuration enchantment).
<magicschool>mod Modifies the Magicka cost of a selected school.
The base is 0, 100 reduces the cost of all spells inside the selected school to 0.
invisibility Boolean variable. 0 is normal behavior, 1 is permanent invisibility.
attackdamagemult The multiplier for the harm dealt past weapons. The default value is one.
marksmanpowermod Default is 0, which modifies the power of bow attacks. Useful if attackdamagemult doesn't practice anything. (May freeze game afterward firing an arrow)
onehandedpowermod Default is 0, which modifies the power of one-handed attacks. Useful if attackdamagemult doesn't do anything.
twohandedpowermod Default is 0, which modifies the power of ii-handed attacks. Useful if attackdamagemult doesn't do anything.
blockpowermod Default is 0, which modifies the power of blocking. This can be used for shield bash, charge, as well as block power checks.
<non-Magic/Attack Perk Tree>powermod When setting this Player Value, the power of the perk tree increases without having to upward the level of said perk tree.
This works extremely well for Smithing, etc. (Leveling the perk tree past 100 via panel commands all the same causes the power to enhance however. This AV all the same adds onto information technology even if at level 999.) This allows a level one perk tree to act as another level.

Skyrim Item Codes List

Below you volition find the list of all detail IDs y'all can utilise with:

player .addItem<ItemID> <#>

equipitem <itemID> <#> <left/right>

unequipitem <ItemID> <#><left/right>

additem <ItemID> <#>

player.removeitem <ItemID> <#>

player.driblet <ItemID> <#>

playerEnchantObject <ItemID> <mgef> <mgef>

Alchemy Ingredients

  • Abecean Longfin –  00106E1B
  • Ancestor Moth Fly – XX0059BA
  • Ash Creep Cluster – XX01CD74
  • Ash Hopper Jelly – XX01CD71
  • Ashen Grass – Pod XX016E26
  • Bear Claws –  0006BC02
  • Bee – 000A9195
  • Beehive Husk – 000A9191
  • Berit'southward Ashes – 000705B7
  • Haemorrhage Crown – 0004DA20
  • Blisterwort – 0004DA25
  • Blue Butterfly Wing – 000727DE
  • Bluish Dartwing – 000E4F0C
  • Blue Mountain Flower – 00077E1C
  • Boar Tusk – XX01CD6F
  • Bone Meal – 00034CDD
  • Briar Middle – 0003AD61
  • Burnt Spriggan Forest – XX01CD6E
  • Butterfly Wing – 000727E0
  • Canis Root –  0006ABCB
  • Charred Skeever Hide – 00052695
  • Chaurus Eggs – 0003AD56
  • Chaurus Hunter Antennae – XX0183B7
  • Craven's Egg – 00023D77
  • Creep Cluster – 000B2183
  • Reddish Nirnroot – 000B701A
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail –  00106E19
  • Daedra Heart –  0003AD5B
  • Deathbell  – 000516C8
  • Dragons Tongue – 000889A2
  • Dwarven Oil – 000F11C0
  • Ectoplasm – 0003AD63
  • Elves Ear – 00034D31
  • Emperor Parasol Moss – XX01FF75
  • Eye of Sabre Cat – 0006BC07
  • Falmer Ear – 0003AD5D
  • Felsaad Tern Feathers – XX03CD8E
  • Burn down Salts – 0003AD5E
  • Fly Amanita – 0004DA00
  • Frost Mirriam – 00034D32
  • Frost Salts – 0003AD5F
  • Garlic – 00034D22
  • Giant Lichen – 0007E8C1
  • Behemothic's Toe – 0003AD64
  • Gleamblossom – XX00B097
  • Glow Dust –  0003AD73
  • Glowing Mushroom – 0007EE01
  • Grass Pod – 00083E64
  • Hagraven Hook – 0006B689
  • Hagraven Feathers –  0003AD66
  • Hanging Moss – 00057F91
  • Hawk Nib – 000E7EBC
  • Militarist Feathers –  000E7ED0
  • Hawk's Egg – XX00F1CC
  • Histcarp  – 00106E18
  • Honeycomb – 000B08C5
  • Man Flesh – 001016B3
  • Man Heart – 000B18CD
  • Ice Wraith Teeth  – 0003AD6A
  • Imp Stool – 0004DA23
  • Jarrin Root – 0001BCBC
  • Jazbay Grapes – 0006AC4A
  • Juniper Berries –  0005076E
  • Large Antlers – 0006BC0A
  • Lavender – 00045C28
  • Luna Moth Wing – 000727DF
  • Moon Sugar – 000D8E3F
  • Mora Tapinella – 000EC870
  • Mudcrab Chitin – 0006BC00
  • Namira'due south Rot – 0004DA24
  • Netch Jelly – XX01CD72
  • Nightshade – 0002F44C
  • Nirnroot – 00059B86
  • Nordic Barnacle – 0007EDF5
  • Orange Dartwing – 000BB956
  • Pearl – 000854FE
  • Pine Thrush Egg – 00023D6F
  • Powdered Mammoth Tusk – 0006BC10
  • Regal Mountain Blossom – 00077E1E
  • Blood-red Mountain Flower – 00077E1D
  • River Betty – 00106E1A
  • Rock Warbler Egg – 0007E8C8
  • Sabre True cat Tooth – 0006BC04
  • Salmon Roe – XX003545
  • Common salt Pile – 00034CDF
  • Scaly Pholiota – 0006F950
  • Scathecraw – XX017E97
  • Silverside Perch – 00106E1C
  • Skeever Tail –  0003AD6F
  • Slaughterfish Egg-  0007E8C5
  • Slaughterfish Scales 0003AD70
  • Small Antlers – 0006BC0B
  • Small Pearl – 00085500
  • Snowberries – 0001B3BD
  • Spawn Ash – XX01CD6D
  • Spider Egg – 0009151B
  • Spriggan Sap –  00063B5F
  • Swamp Fungal Pod – 0007E8B7
  • Taproot  – 0003AD71
  • Thistle Branch –  000134AA
  • Torchbug Thorax – 0004DA73
  • Trama Root – XX017008
  • Troll Fatty  – 0003AD72
  • Tundra Cotton – 0003F7F8
  • Vampire Dust – 0003AD76
  • Void Salts – 0003AD60
  • Wheat – 0004B0BA
  • White Cap – 0004DA22
  • Wisp Wrappings – 0006BC0E
  • Yellow Mountain Flower – XX002A78


  • Amethyst – 00063B46
  • Diamond – 00063B47
  • Emerald –  00063B43
  • Garnet – 00063B45
  • Ruddy – 00063B42
  • Sapphire –  00063B44
  • Flawless Amethyst –  0006851E
  • Flawless Diamond –  0006851F
  • Flawless Emerald –  00068520
  • Flawless Garnet – 00068521
  • Flawless Ruby –  00068522
  • Flawless Sapphire –  00068523
  • Stone of Barenziah – 0009DFBB


  • Bear Pelt – 0003AD52
  • Cave Behave Pelt – 0003AD53
  • Chaurus Chitin – 0003AD57
  • Cow Hide – 0003AD8F
  • Deer Hibernate –  000D284D
  • Elk Hide – 0003AD90
  • Play a trick on Pelt –  000D4B35
  • Goat Hide – 0003AD8E
  • Horse Hide – 0003AD93
  • Ice Wolf Pelt – 0003AD75
  • Leather – 000DB5D2
  • Leather Strips – 000800E3
  • Sabre Cat Pelt – 0003AD6D
  • Sabre Cat Snow Pelt –  0003AD6E
  • Snow Acquit Pelt – 0003AD54
  • Snow Fox Pelt –  000D4BE7
  • Wolf Pelt – 0003AD74

Restoration Potions

  • Potion of Cure Disease – 000AE723
  • Potion of Cure Poison – 00065A64
  • Potion of Minor Healing –  0003EADD
  • Potion of Healing – 0003EADE
  • Potion of Plentiful Healing  – 0003EADF
  • Potion of Vigorous Healing  – 0003EAE3
  • Potion of Extreme Healing – 00039BE4
  • Potion of Ultimate Healing –  00039BE5

Smithing Ingredients (Ores, Ingots, Stones)

  • Dragon Bone – 0003ADA4
  • Dragon Scales – 0003ADA3
  • Corundum Ingot –  0005AD93
  • Dwarven Metal Ingot – 000DB8A2
  • Ebony Ingot –  0005AD9D
  • Gold Ingot – 0005AD9E
  • Iron Ingot – 0005ACE4
  • Orichalcum Ingot – 0005AD99
  • Quicksilver Ingot  –  0005ADA0
  • Refined Malachite – 0005ADA1
  • Refined Moonstone – 0005AD9F
  • Silvery Ingot – 0005ACE3
  • Steel Ingot – 0005ACE5
  • Corundum Ore –  0005ACDB
  • Ebony Ore  – 0005ACDC
  • Gold Ore –  0005ACDE
  • Iron Ore – 00071CF3
  • Malachite Ore – 0005ACE1
  • Moonstone Ore –  0005ACE0
  • Orichalcum Ore – 0005ACDD
  • Quicksilver Ore –  0005ACE2
  • Silvery Ore – 0005ACDF
  • Stalhrim –  XX02B06B

Soul Gems

  • Trivial Soul Jewel (Empty) – 0002E4E2
  • Lesser Soul Gem (Empty)  – 0002E4E4
  • Mutual Soul Gem (Empty) – 0002E4E6
  • Greater Soul Jewel (Empty) – 0002E4F4
  • 1000 Soul Gem (Empty) – 0002E4FC
  • Black Soul Gem (Empty)  -0002E500
  • Wylandriah's Soul Gem (Empty) – 00043E26
  • Azura's Star (Empty) – 00063B27
  • The Black Star (Empty) – 00063B29
  • Treated Soul Gem (Empty) – 00094E40
  • Petty Soul Precious stone (Full) – 0002E4E3
  • Lesser Soul Gem (Full)  -0002E4E5
  • Common Soul Precious stone (Total)  -0002E4F3
  • Greater Soul Gem (Full) – 0002E4FB
  • Thou Soul Gem (Full)  – 0002E4FF
  • Black Soul Gem (Full) – 0002E504
elder scrolls v skyrim shout spell ids listnbsp SkyrimElderScrollsVShoutIDs Our list of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim console commands cheats item codes and spell or shout codes will help you do almost anything

Skyrim Spell and Shout IDs List

Below you lot will find the listing of Spell IDs y'all can use in Skyrim. Note that Dragon Shouts are as well spells, of type "Give-and-take":

equipspell <SpellID> <left/right>

role player.unlockword <ShoutID>

player.teachword <ShoutID>

Addshout <ShoutID>

For spells available in a specific DLC, you will accept to add the expansion's load order lawmaking before the Spell ID.

The DLCs load in the order they came out, and then if y'all accept all 3 the DLC codes volition be:

DLC Name DLC Code
Dragonborn 02
Hearthfire 03
Dawnguard 04
Skyrim DLC codes

If you don't own a DLC you will have to decrease the load guild of the ones below information technology. For case, if y'all don't own Dragonborn, the DLC Code for Hearthfire will be 02 and for Dawnguard 03.

If you merely own Dawnguard, its DLC Lawmaking volition be 02.

Spell Proper name Spell ID Type
Adrenaline Rush 000E40CE Power
Agent of Dibella 0010A766 Active Effect
Ancestor'due south Wrath 000E40D4 Power
Ancient Knowledge 0010EB60 Active Effect
Animal Fidelity – Mir [Fidelity] 00060292 Word
Animate being Allegiance – Raan [Brute] 00060291 Discussion
Animate being Allegiance – Tah [Pack] 00060293 Word
Arniel'southward Convection 0006A104 Spell – Devastation
Ataxia 000B877C Illness
Ataxia 0010A24A Affliction
Aura Whisper – Laas [Life] 00060294 Word
Aura Whisper – Nir [Hunt] 00060296 Word
Aureola Whisper – Yah [Seek] 00060295 Word
Bane of the Undead 0008C1AB Spell – Restoration
Banish Daedra 0006D22C Spell – Conjuration
Boxing Cry 000E40C3 Power
Battle Fury – Mid [Loyal] Dawnguard DLC Lawmaking + 0200E4 Discussion
Battle Fury – Shaan [Inspire] Dawnguard DLC Code + 0200E6 Word
Battle Fury – Vur [Valor] Dawnguard DLC Code + 0200E5 Word
Beast Form 00092C48 Ability
Get Ethereal – Feim [Fade] 00032917 Word
Get Ethereal – Gron [Bind] 00032919 Word
Get Ethereal – Zii [Spirit] 00032918 Word
Bend Will – Dov [Dragon] Dawnguard DLC Code + 0179DB Word
Bend Volition – Gol [Earth] Dawnguard DLC Lawmaking + 0179D9 Word
Bend Will – Hah [Mind] Dawnguard DLC Lawmaking + 0179DA Word
Berserker Rage 000AA026 Power
Blessing of Akatosh 000FB988 Active Result
Blessing of Arkay 000FB994 Active Effect
Blessing of Auriel Dragonborn DLC Code + 011360 Agile Effect
Approval of Dibella 000FB995 Agile Upshot
Approving of Julianos 000FB996 Active Outcome
Blessing of Kynareth 000FB997 Active Outcome
Approving of Mara 000FB998 Active Effect
Blessing of Nocturnal 0010E8AE Agile Result
Blessing of Stendarr 000FB999 Active Effect
Blessing of Talos 000FB99A Agile Effect
Approving of Zenithar 000FB99B Active Issue
Blizzard 0007E8E4 Spell – Destruction
Blood of the Ancients Dragonborn DLC Lawmaking + 01419B Active Effect
Bone Intermission Fever 000B877E Disease
Os Interruption Fever 0010A24C Disease
Bound Battleaxe 000211EC Spell – Conjuration
Bound Bow 000211ED Spell – Conjuration
Leap Sword 000211EB Spell – Conjuration
Encephalon Rot 000B877F Disease
Encephalon Rot 0010A24D Disease
Phone call Dragon – Ah [Hunter] 00046B8A Give-and-take
Call Dragon – Od [Snow] 00046B89 Word
Call Dragon – Viing [Wing] 00046B8B Word
Call of Valor – Hun [Hero] 00051960 Word
Call of Valor – Kaal [Champion] 00051961 Word
Call of Valor – Zoor [Legend] 00051962 Word
Call to Arms 0007E8DD Spell – Illusion
Calm 0004DEE9 Spell – Illusion
Candlelight 00043324 Spell – Alteration
Chain Lightning 00045F9D Spell – Destruction
Champion of the Night 000F5B54 Active Event
Circle of Protection 0005312D Spell – Restoration
Clairvoyance 00021143 Spell – Illusion
Claws 000AA01E Agile Effect
Articulate Skies – Koor [Summer] 0003CD33 Discussion
Articulate Skies – Lok [Heaven] 0003CD31 Discussion
Clear Skies – Vah [Spring] 0003CD32 Word
Close Wounds 000B62EF Spell – Restoration
Control Beast 000E40CF Power
Command Daedra 0006F953 Spell – Conjuration
Conjure Boneman Dragonborn DLC Code + 0045BA Spell – Conjuration
Conjure Dragon Priest 0010FC16 Spell – Conjuration
Conjure Dremora Lord 0010DDEC Spell – Agreeableness
Conjure Familiar 000640B6 Spell – Conjuration
Conjure Flame Atronach 000204C3 Spell – Agreeableness
Conjure Frost Atronach 000204C4 Spell – Conjuration
Conjure Mistman Dragonborn DLC Code + 0045B8 Spell – Conjuration
Conjure Storm Atronach 000204C5 Spell – Agreeableness
Conjure Wrathman Dragonborn DLC Code + 0045B3 Spell – Conjuration
Courage 0004DEE8 Spell – Illusion
Whirlwind – Gaar [Unleash] Dawnguard DLC Lawmaking + 0200C3 Word
Whirlwind – Nos [Strike] Dawnguard DLC Code + 0200C4 Discussion
Cyclone – Ven [Current of air] Dawnguard DLC Lawmaking + 0200C2 Word
Dead Thrall 0007E8DF Spell – Conjuration
Observe Dead 000211EF Spell – Alteration
Detect Life 000211EE Spell – Alteration
Disarm – Haal [Mitt] 0005FB96 Word
Disarm – Viik [Defeat] 0005FB97 Give-and-take
Disarm – Zun [Weapon] 0005FB95 Word
Dismay – Faas [Fear] 0003291A Word
Dismay – Maar [Terror] 0003291C Word
Dismay – Ru [Run] 0003291B Word
Dragon Aspect – Diiv [Wyrm] Dawnguard DLC Code + 01DF95 Give-and-take
Dragon Attribute – Mul [Strength] Dawnguard DLC Code + 01DF93 Give-and-take
Dragon Aspect – Qah [Armor] Dawnguard DLC Lawmaking + 01DF94 Word
Dragon Infusion 000F5FFA Active Event
Dragonhide 000CDB70 Spell – Alteration
Dragonrend – Frul [Temporary] 00044253 Word
Dragonrend – Joor [Mortal] 00044251 Word
Dragonrend – Zah [Finite] 00044252 Word
Dragonskin 000AA022 Ability
Bleed Vitality – Gaan [Stamina] Dragonborn DLC Code + 008A65 Give-and-take
Drain Vitality – Haas [Health] Dragonborn DLC Code + 008A63 Give-and-take
Drain Vitality – Lah [Magicka] Dragonborn DLC Code + 008A64 Word
Dread Cloak 000ED0A9 Power
Dread Zombie 00096D95 Spell – Agreeableness
Ebonyflesh 0005AD5E Spell – Alteration
Elemental Fury – Dun [Grace] 0003291F Word
Elemental Fury – Grah [Boxing] 0003291E Give-and-take
Elemental Fury – Su [Air] 0003291D Give-and-take
Encompass of Shadows 00088821 Power
Equilibrium 000DA746 Spell – Alteration
Eternal Spirit 000E827D Active Event
Expel Daedra 0006F952 Spell – Conjuration
Fast Healing 0002F3B8 Spell – Restoration
Father'due south Dearest Hearthfire DLC Code + 002F54 Agile Effect
Fright 0004DEEA Spell – Illusion
Fire Jiff – Shul [Sun] 00020E19 Word
Fire Jiff – Toor [Inferno] 00020E18 Word
Fire Breath – Yol [Burn] 00020E17 Give-and-take
Fire Rune 0005DB90 Spell – Destruction
Fire Storm 0007A82B Spell – Destruction
Fireball 0001C789 Spell – Destruction
Firebolt 00012FD0 Spell – Devastation
Flame Cloak 0003AE9F Spell – Destruction
Flame Thrall 0007E5D5 Spell – Conjuration
Flames 00012FCD Spell – Destruction
Flaming Familiar 0009CE26 Spell – Conjuration
Force Without Attempt 000E8281 Active Effect
Frenzy 0004DEEE Spell – Illusion
Frost Jiff – Diin [Freeze] 0005D16E Word
Frost Breath – Fo [Frost] 0005D16C Word
Frost Breath – Krah [Common cold] 0005D16D Word
Frost Cloak 0003AEA2 Spell – Destruction
Frost Rune 0006796F Spell – Devastation
Frost Thrall 0007E5D6 Spell – Conjuration
Frostbite 0002B96B Spell – Destruction
Fury 0004DEEB Spell – Illusion
G Healing 000B62EE Spell – Restoration
Greater Ward 000211F0 Spell – Restoration
Guardian Circle 000E0CCF Spell – Restoration
Harmony 0007E8DB Spell – Illusion
Heal Other 00012FD2 Spell – Restoration
Heal Undead Dragonborn DLC Code + 00E8D4 Spell – Restoration
Healing 00012FCC Spell – Restoration
Healing Hands 0004D3F2 Spell – Restoration
Highborn 000E40C8 Power
Histskin 000E40D5 Power
Homecooked Meal 000F5FF8 Active Effect
Hysteria 0007E8DE Spell – Illusion
Ice Class – Iiz [Ice] 000602A3 Word
Ice Form – Nus [Statue] 000602A5 Word
Water ice Course – Slen [Flesh] 000602A4 Give-and-take
Ice Fasten 0002B96C Spell – Devastation
Ice Storm 00045F9C Spell – Destruction
Icy Spear 0010F7EC Spell – Destruction
Imperial Luck 000EB7EB Active Effect
Incinerate 0010F7ED Spell – Destruction
Invisibility 00027EB6 Spell – Illusion
Ironflesh 00051B16 Spell – Amending
Kyne's Peace – Drem [Peace] 0006029E Discussion
Kyne'south Peace – Kaan [Kyne] 0006029D Word
Kyne'southward Peace – Ov [Trust] 0006029F Give-and-take
Lesser Ward 00013018 Spell – Restoration
Lightning Bolt 0002DD29 Spell – Devastation
Lightning Cloak 0003AEA3 Spell – Destruction
Lightning Rune 00067970 Spell – Destruction
Lightning Storm 0007E8E5 Spell – Destruction
Lover's Comfort 000CDA1D Active Effect
Magelight 00043323 Spell – Alteration
Magic Resistance 000AA01F Active Effect
Marked For Death – Aus [Endure] 00060299 Word
Marked For Death – Krii [Kill] 00060297 Discussion
Marked For Expiry – Lun [Leech] 00060298 Give-and-take
Mass Paralysis 000B62E6 Spell – Amending
Commotion 0007E8DA Spell – Illusion
Mother's Love Hearthfire DLC Lawmaking + 004292 Active Effect
Muffle 0008F3EB Spell – Illusion
Necromantic Healing Dragonborn DLC Code + 00E8D2 Spell – Restoration
Nighttime Eye 000AA01D Power
Nightingale Strife 000F1987 Power
Nightingale Subterfuge 000F1986 Power
Nightstalker's Footsteps 0010F1E7 Active Effect
Oakflesh 0005AD5C Spell – Alteration
Pacify 0004DEED Spell – Illusion
Paralyze 0005AD5F Spell – Amending
Raise Zombie 0007E8E1 Spell – Agreeableness
Rally 0004DEEC Spell – Illusion
Rattles 000B8781 Disease
Rattles 0010A24E Disease
Reanimate Corpse 00065BD7 Spell – Conjuration
Repel Lesser Undead 0004D3F8 Spell – Restoration
Repel Undead 0005DD60 Spell – Restoration
Resist Affliction 000ED0A8 Active Upshot
Resist Disease 000F5BA0 Agile Effect
Resist Disease 00104ACF Active Event
Resist Affliction and Poisonous substance 000AA025 Active Outcome
Resist Fire 000AA021 Active Effect
Resist Frost 000ED09E Active Effect
Resist Frost 0002E1C3 Active Effect
Resist Frost 000ED099 Active Issue
Resist Frost 000ED09D Active Effect
Resist Frost 000AA020 Agile Effect
Resist Poison 0010FB30 Active Result
Resist Poison 000AA023 Active Effect
Revenant 00096D94 Spell – Conjuration
Ring of Hircine 000F8306 Power
Rockjoint 000B8782 Disease
Rockjoint 0010A24F Disease
Rout 0004DEEF Spell – Illusion
Crewman'due south Repose 000D397F Active Upshot
Sanguinare Vampiris 000B8780 Disease
Shadowcloak of Nocturnal 00017122 Ability
Sinderion's Serendipity 0010BF09 Agile Result
Slow Time – Klo [Sand] 00048ACB Word
Boring Fourth dimension – Tiid [Time] 00048ACA Discussion
Boring Time – Ul [Eternity] 00048ACC Word
Soul Tear – Rii [Essence] Dragonborn DLC Code + 007CB7 Discussion
Soul Tear – Vaaz [Tear] Dragonborn DLC Code + 007CB8 Word
Soul Tear – Zol [Zombie] Dragonborn DLC Code + 007CB9 Word
Soul Trap 0004DBA4 Spell – Conjuration
Sparks 0002DD2A Spell – Destruction
Spectral Arrow 000AB23D Spell – Agreeableness
Steadfast Ward 000211F1 Spell – Restoration
Stendarr'due south Aureola Dragonborn DLC Code + 0038B5 Spell – Restoration
Stoneflesh 0005AD5D Spell – Alteration
Storm Phone call – Bah [Wrath] 0006029B Discussion
Storm Call – Qo [Lightning] 0006029C Word
Tempest Telephone call – Strun [Tempest] 0006029A Word
Storm Thrall 0007E5D7 Spell – Conjuration
Summon Arniel's Shade 0006A153 Spell – Conjuration
Summon Arvak Dragonborn DLC Code + 00C600 Spell – Conjuration
Summon Durnehviir – Dur [Curse] Dragonborn DLC Lawmaking + 0030D4 Word
Summon Durnehviir – Neh [Never] Dragonborn DLC Code + 0030D6 Give-and-take
Summon Durnehviir – Viir [Dying] Dragonborn DLC Code + 0030D7 Word
Summon Spectral Assassin 000618C6 Power
Sunday Fire Dragonborn DLC Lawmaking + 003F52 Spell – Restoration
Tainted Blood of the Ancients Dragonborn DLC Lawmaking + 0149A7 Active Effect
Telekinesis 0001A4CC Spell – Alteration
The Apprentice Stone 000E5F4E Active Result
The Apprentice Stone 0010E439 Active Effect
The Atronach Stone 000E5F51 Active Effect
The Fire Inside 000E8282 Active Outcome
The Lady Rock 000E5F54 Active Effect
The Lord Stone 000E5F58 Active Effect
The Lover Stone 000E5F5A Active Effect
The Mage Stone 000E5F47 Active Outcome
The Ritual Rock 000E7329 Power
The Serpent Stone 000E5F61 Power
The Shadow Stone 000E732A Power
The Steed Stone 000E5F5E Active Effect
The Thief Stone 000E5F45 Active Effect
The Belfry Rock 000E7328 Agile Issue
The Warrior Stone 000E5F4C Active Consequence
Throw Phonation – Gut [Far] 000602A2 Give-and-take
Throw Vocalization – Mey [Fool] 000602A1 Word
Throw Vocalization – Zul [Voice] 000602A0 Word
Thunderbolt 0010F7EE Spell – Destruction
Transmute 00109111 Spell – Alteration
Plough Greater Undead 0005DD5E Spell – Restoration
Turn Bottom Undead 0004B146 Spell – Restoration
Turn Undead 0005DD5D Spell – Restoration
Unrelenting Forcefulness – Dah [Push] 00013E24 Discussion
Unrelenting Strength – Fus [Force] 00013E22 Word
Unrelenting Force – Ro [Remainder] 00013E23 Word
Vampire'south Blight Dragonborn DLC Code + 0038B6 Spell – Restoration
Vampire'south Seduction 000C4DE2 Power
Vampire'southward Servant 000ED0A4 Power
Vampire's Servant 000ED0A5 Ability
Vampire'southward Servant 000ED0A6 Power
Vampire'due south Retainer 000ED0A7 Power
Vampire's Sight 000C4DE1 Power
Vampiric Claret Rested Hearthfire DLC Code + 000C35 Active Event
Vampiric Drain 0008D5BF Spell – Devastation
Vampiric Bleed 0008D5C0 Spell – Devastation
Vampiric Drain 0008D5C1 Spell – Destruction
Vampiric Drain 0008D5C2 Spell – Destruction
Vision of the 10th Eye 000B323E Spell – Illusion
Phonation of the Emperor 000E40CA Power
Wall of Flames 00035D7F Spell – Destruction
Wall of Frost 00035D80 Spell – Destruction
Wall of Storms 00035D81 Spell – Devastation
Waterbreathing 0005D175 Spell – Alteration
Waterbreathing 000AA01B Agile Effect
Weakness to Fire 0010F1E8 Active Effect
Weakness to Fire 0010F1EB Active Result
Weakness to Fire 0010F1EA Agile Consequence
Weakness to Fire 0010F1E9 Agile Effect
Weakness to Sunlight 000C1E8B Active Event
Weakness to Sunlight 000ED09A Active Upshot
Weakness to Sunlight 000ED09B Active Effect
Weakness to Sunlight 000ED09C Active Consequence
Well Rested 000FB984 Active Consequence
Whirlwind Spirit – Kest [Tempest] 0002F7BD Word
Whirlwind Spirit – Nah [Fury] 0002F7BC Word
Cyclone Spirit – Wuld [Whirlwind] 0002F7BB Give-and-take
Witbane 000B8783 Affliction
Witbane 0010A250 Illness
Skyrim Spell and Shout IDs List

How To Increase Magicka Skyrim Console Command,


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